I’m an award-winning speaker who delivers thought-provoking talks on leadership, group dynamics, and digital transformation to a diverse, international audience.

From healthcare leaders in the US to Indigenous leaders in New Zealand to military leaders in Europe and CEOs in the Middle East, my talks have inspired thousands to grow. 🌳

Keynotes Topics

  • What it means to be an effective leader is rapidly changing in today’s fast-paced digital environment. Leadership was typically thought of as a “soft” intuitive skill, while management as a “hard” science, but those lines are blurring, and the days of purely intuitive decisions are over.

    Technological innovation, (big) data, an army of analytical experts, and savvy leaders are vaporizing the idea that leadership is purely a soft skill.

    Gone are the days of winging it based on gut feelings—at least for those who want to remain competitive and sustainable. Instead, society is on the cusp of a shift where ALL aspects of leadership are overhauled through the application of computational methods, including AI, network analysis, predictive modeling, and simulations.

    My talks on computational leadership focus on how leaders can get out in front of this rapidly change world with trailblazing technology, well-established leadership research, and invaluable knowledge gleaned from practice.

    For an example of my keynote topics on computational leadership and transformation, have a look at the taster sessions I offer as workshops.

  • I’m a pioneering contributor to the study of Evolutionary Psychology and Leadership, which involves exploring why and how leadership evolves in groups and how leaders can use this dynamic process to guide purposeful change.

    In my talks on the evolutionary psychology of leadership, I delve into the deep drivers of human behavior and how leaders can build ecosystems that increase altruism, cooperation, engagement, and sustainability while decreasing egoistic tendencies, violence, and other unsustainable behaviors.

